
štvrtok 3. januára 2013

Adam Lambert sing with students
- a lot of cute stress

Just a few minutes ago I have found up this video on YouTube and I didn´t knew if I should smile or feel badly for that kids and Adam. I think they were all a bit stressed, no matter how cute they are in this video. I love it but i really can imagine how it was stressful as for kids, as for Adam when they started to play and it all broke down for a moment.. It just deserves big respect! :)

Adam lambert sings with students


Iba pred pár minútami som na YouTube objavila toto video a zrazu som nevedela či sa mám na ňom smiať alebo mám tie deti aj Adama ľutovať. Myslím, že boli všetci tak trochu vystresovaní, to je jasné aj napriek tomu aké je toto video zlaté. Páči sa mi, ale viem si naozaj predstaviť, aké to bolo pre nich stresujúce, keď začali hrať a  všetko sa na chvíľu pokazilo... Zaslúži si to ale veľký rešpekt! :)

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